Monday, March 15, 2010

New Parents

I am always amazed by the glow of new parents. Despite some serious lack of sleep, constant visitors and getting used to the new boss in town new parents seem almost unaffected. The high of welcoming the precious new bundle that they have waited nine months for seems to negate any of the exhaustion in those first few days of a new baby's arrival.

Shawna and Ryan totally had that glow. They had smiles that went from ear to ear when talking about baby Carter. They were energetic and so enthusiastic about the new arrival (who came 5 weeks early) and the photo session. Shawna received a gift certificate for the shoot as a shower gift and she told me it was one of the best gifts she could have gotten. I was all but too happy to be part of their joy and was delighted to photograph this sweet little baby at 11 days old.

Here are a few of the pictures of the new family of three.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats you guys, the pictures are absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy being parents, I know you guys will be great!!!

    Take care
    Jennifer, Chris & Girls
