Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Toddler Moodswings

Trying to photograph a toddler is always a challenge. If you ask them to go left they go right, when you want them to sit pretty and smile they do anything but...having one of these wildly independent creatures living in my house has taught me to be prepared for anything. So when I got the chance to shoot Rylee and Nolan's pictures I was prepared! I spent an hour snapping pics of little Nolan and working around Rylee's interest in getting her pictures taken. Little did nearly 3 year old Rylee know, that no matter what she did I was going to get the shots...a little patience and creativity and I got some great shots of her and her brother.

One of my favourites from the day is an absolute perfect representation of toddlerhood...it's a picture that really needs no explanation!

One of the moments I captured when Rylee was up for some direction. Such sweet, beautiful children!

Thank you Rylee and Nolan for such a fun shoot! These are 2 awesome kids!

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