Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sugar and spice and everything nice....

I am not sure why, but over the past couple of years it seems I have been meeting and photographing nothing but boys...pretty much every baby born around the time of my daughter's birth was a boy....and all of the wee ones coming into the world when my son was born are also boys.

So, when I was given the chance to document the end of Ella's 1st year of life I was SO excited. Finally a chance to bust out the pink backdrop and do some pretty girly shots!

Let me tell you, Ella did not disappoint. The little miss came all dressed up and so much fun to photograph. I did with Ella what I would do with any little one...I let her be a kid! I didn't "pose" Ella at all. I put her on the backdrop and gave her props...but I just followed her around while she played and explored. At one point she was munching on some snacks and I kept shooting and got some awesome shots!

Having kids of my own has really given me the patience and skills to get "the" shot when working with children. Not everyone can do it (or even wants to) but to me there is nothing better than the innocence, mischievousness and joy of a child that can be captured in a photograph.

Here are some of my favourite moments with Ella...what a doll! :-)

Look at those eyelashes!
One of the GREAT captures of Ella while snacking.

I just had to use some of my Easter props.

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