Thursday, March 18, 2010

Then & Now

How lucky am I? People pay me to do something I LOVE. I get to take pictures of the cutest little kids and most wonderful families. I get invited into peoples lives to capture moments and memories that will last a lifetime.

I first photographed Ayla when she was about 4 months old. She was a little doll with her bright blue eyes, beautiful hair and gorgeous porcelain skin. She was a dream to shoot!

Now, little Ayla is 1 year old. She is filled with personality and definitely knows what she does and doesn't like. Her plans on the day of our recent photo shoot weren't exactly what mom and dad had in mind....but true to my belief that you let the little one direct the shoot I did just that. I followed Ayla around as she explored and captured the beautiful little girl and all her personality. When I posted my sneak peeks Ayla's mom was shocked and pleased with the results. She told me she couldn't have imagined I got anything based on Ayla's interest in getting her pictures taken...but this little girl is's impossible NOT to get "the" shot when she is in front of my camera!



I also got to shoot the "cake smash" photos....a great way to commemorate the end of the first year of life. Ayla rocked it...let me tell you, this little girl LOVES cake! ;-)

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