Friday, November 18, 2011

Best shoes EVER! (The sequel)

About two years ago I posted a blog about the best shoes know the one...the gorgeous pictures of the shoes worn by Debra (my little sister) on her wedding day...well, less than a year later she was rockin' some pretty smokin' shoes again...but this time she did it while showing off her baby bump. Is there anything more fun than a glam belly session? As usually Debra rocked the shoes and looked stunning as a mom-to-be. Take a peek at her and her and her cool shoes!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

3rd Annual Cuties/Creatures in the Park

I love Halloween...I love to see little ones all dressed up in adorable costumes! What I don't love about Halloween is that most parents buy a costume and it's used once or twice. When I dressed my daughter up for her first Halloween I knew I needed to capture the cuteness and figured other parents would want to do the same - that's how I came up with my Cuties/Creatures in the Park mini session event. 

This years event was more than a little stressful on me. I booked up all 16 spots in less than 2 days (and about a month in advance), but was extremely disappointed when I started getting so many cancellations. It was discouraging to say the least. But, despite my frustration and the fact that my sister went into labour the morning of the sessions I was determined to make this year a success! The weather was amazing, the costumes were awesome...and I will forever remember these sessions because while I was shooting some real cuties my new nephew Harrison made his way into the world. 

Thank you to everyone that did sign up and attend the mini sessions on the Thanksgiving long was a blast! I am already looking forward to next year.

And my favourite memory from the mini sessions....this gorgeous little man made his debut! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It Won't Last Long

Having a newborn can certainly be a challange. First time parents have to learn all the ins and outs of caring for a newborn in a very short amount of time. No owners manual...just trial and error. As a result parenting a newborn can be difficult. Sleepless nights, constant questions and certainly plenty of worry. But, despite all that the biggest complaint any parent will make about having a newborn is that it goes by too quickly. That squishy sleepy newborn phase passes so fast and suddenly that tiny newborn is 12 lbs and starting to smile.

Each moment with a new baby is precious, enjoy it (even the sleepless parts) and whatever you do DOCUMENT it! I don't care if you have a disposable camera or hire a professional just be sure to capture as much of the early days as possible because it's gone in a blink of an eye. As the memory of that little wrinkled body, that tiny cry and sweet smell begin to fade photographs can bring you back to such a amazing time in a baby and parents life!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

First weekend in fall!

I LOVE fall...the colours, the smells and of course the family photos! Take a peek from a session a few weeks back! A gorgeous fall morning at Drysdales Tree Farm...a favourtie spot of mine both to visit AND photograph!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Tracey and Brad are an amazing couple. I knew that after meeting them and shooting their engagement session. They have so much love for one another and they have such a wonderful group of family and friends that support them. This wedding was one of my favourite weddings ever. It was a smaller wedding than I am used to shooting, it was so intimate. Spending time with the bride, her mom and the bridesmaids before the wedding always makes me feel such a close connection with the couple and their families. I am there for smiles and tears...I see it all!

This wedding had it's fair share of amazing moments. One of Tracey's bridesmaids gave birth to a beautiful baby boy just days (like 4) before the wedding but wouldn't miss the opportunity to be with Tracey on her special day. Tracey's Dad passed just weeks prior to the wedding day and to honour him (and his love for Camero's) Tracey and Brad had an official pace car from the Indianapolis 500 as Brad's mode of transportation to the ceremony. Brad's brother made the amazing and totally unique wedding cake for the couple. This couple is truly blessed with a ton of love! 

I really can't thank Tracey and Brad enough for choosing me to be part of the intimate moments of their wedding day. I feel such a special connection to both the bride and groom and I will remember them and their wedding for years to come!