Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It Won't Last Long

Having a newborn can certainly be a challange. First time parents have to learn all the ins and outs of caring for a newborn in a very short amount of time. No owners manual...just trial and error. As a result parenting a newborn can be difficult. Sleepless nights, constant questions and certainly plenty of worry. But, despite all that the biggest complaint any parent will make about having a newborn is that it goes by too quickly. That squishy sleepy newborn phase passes so fast and suddenly that tiny newborn is 12 lbs and starting to smile.

Each moment with a new baby is precious, enjoy it (even the sleepless parts) and whatever you do DOCUMENT it! I don't care if you have a disposable camera or hire a professional just be sure to capture as much of the early days as possible because it's gone in a blink of an eye. As the memory of that little wrinkled body, that tiny cry and sweet smell begin to fade photographs can bring you back to such a amazing time in a baby and parents life!

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