Sunday, November 21, 2010

Best shoes EVER!

Okay, so I could have done an entire post on sexy pink shoes...but, seeing as how I might be the only one who would enjoy that I'll share a few more shots from Deb and Donny's November wedding. It was a gorgeous day and a beautiful location. The wedding was fantastic...and the bridal shoes were to die for...take a peek! :-)

Congratulations Deb and Donny!


  1. OMG I love those shoes!! Dana, I would have totally been down with a whole blog devoted to those :) P.s. Karl and I are totally coming back home so that you can do our engagement pictures (when that day comes...don't freak out just yet Dave!).

    Laara Losier

  2. Thanks Laara...and Dave did freak out a little bit... :-)

    ~ Dana
