Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Photos, photos and MORE photos

Well, I have been busy and as a result haven't even thought about the blog in a while. I have had several photo sessions lately but between life and my full time job I haven't had a moment to sit down and share some of my sessions. So here it is...a collection of some recent favourites. ENJOY!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


At three years old children pretty much NEVER do what you want. I know, I have a three year old. Dayton, however, was the exact opposite of what I expected him to be. He did everything I wanted and was adorable doing it. I took complete advantage of his willingness to take direction and had him sitting, standing, running, using props...this kid was fantastic! I captured so many sweet shots of this sweet little guy. Take a look!

Monday, May 10, 2010

2 peas in a pod

The first time I photographed the Gidge girls they were only 19 days old. At 9 months old the girls were so much fun. They were so giggly and happy. It was amazing to see how totally connected these two little girls were to each other. If one smiled the other smiled, when one ate the other ate, when one pooped the other...well, you know.

When I was setting up shots I made sure that whatever I did with Rorie I did with Neila...and the end result is a whole pile of pictures where I couldn't tell them apart. They look so much alike but definitely have there own special personalities. These girls were so sweet...can't wait to capture them as they grow.

Take a look...can you tell them apart?? I am guessing mom and dad will be the only ones that will know for sure.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Great Expectations

So, Tara had planned to do belly photos...then she had this feeling that she had missed the boat, she didn't feel like a pretty pregnant lady anymore. After some coaxing I told her that we should go ahead with the pictures anyway (because I knew she would look gorgeous) and we would throw away the whole lot if she wasn't pleased with the pictures. Fortunately I was right...she looked amazing! I am so glad we got together for the shoot....because baby Cameron made an early entry to the world. Yesterday was the due date...and instead of waiting to hear news of a new arrival plans are already made for newborn pictures on Mother's Day. Could there be any greater gift?