Monday, May 10, 2010

2 peas in a pod

The first time I photographed the Gidge girls they were only 19 days old. At 9 months old the girls were so much fun. They were so giggly and happy. It was amazing to see how totally connected these two little girls were to each other. If one smiled the other smiled, when one ate the other ate, when one pooped the other...well, you know.

When I was setting up shots I made sure that whatever I did with Rorie I did with Neila...and the end result is a whole pile of pictures where I couldn't tell them apart. They look so much alike but definitely have there own special personalities. These girls were so sweet...can't wait to capture them as they grow.

Take a look...can you tell them apart?? I am guessing mom and dad will be the only ones that will know for sure.

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