Monday, March 21, 2011

Sleepy Baby!

When I first got to the house baby Ramona was not ready for her close up! Mom and Dad had been up all night, it had been a rough one. One of the first things Dad told me was he didn't think this was going to happen. I told mom not to worry, go ahead and feed the little one as I set everything up and that I was in no rush (that's why I plan for plenty of time with a newborn session). After almost an hour of feeding it was my turn. Mom and Dad were amazing - first time parents and they let me take their baby and do whatever I wanted. They just sat back and watched...they were awesome! As for little Ramona...she was a dream! That little darling slept pretty much the entire time I was there, I may have gotten one shot with her eyes open. I had a great time and I think Mom and Dad have some gorgeous photos of little Ramona's first few days of life!

Ramona - 8 days old (and oh so cute!)

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