Sunday, March 27, 2011

10 photos

I have photographed Sam a few times over the past few months...and he is one energetic little guy! Having a son and being a Kindergarten teacher I know all to well that boys don't sit still long. That means my job is to move FAST! Along with some sibling shots Mom wanted a few of just Sam so I started with him first, took maybe 15 photos and got everything I needed. Of those 15 shots mom got about 1o of them...not too bad for a few minutes work. Both mom and I were realistic and knew Sam would only want to be in front of my camera for so long so we didn't push him...and he did great! :-)

Reading a child's mood can make the difference between a great collection of images or a disaster. Pushing little ones into doing "just one more" when your toddler is running away out of boredom/annoyance won't get "the shot", it'll only frustrate everyone. I will always make sure I've got "the shot" before I wrap things up...just don't be surprised if it takes less time than you expect!

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