Monday, March 7, 2011

Little Lady

When I first met this family I was capturing belly photos for a beautiful mother-to-be (for the third time). I was amazed by the calm and peacefulness in the house with such a big moment on the horizon. Everyone was relaxed and so easy going.

What is more amazing is it was the same atmosphere the day I went to shoot newborn pictures of little baby Charlotte. I don't think I have ever had such an easy going newborn session. Everyone was milling about the house, checking in on the session from time to time. Mom even took time to have a coffee - this family has it figured out! No one was rushing off, running around or stressing out and it made for SUCH an easy shoot! We captured some great shots of little Charlie (as she is also known) and the whole morning was such a pleasure!

Congratulations Reuter Family!

Take a look at this beautiful baby girl!

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