Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh Baby!

For a while it seemed like I was the baby bump queen. I was shooting expectant moms non-stop....and then things on the baby belly front started to slow down and those mothers-to-be became moms! Which brings us to this post!

As a mother of two I know how important it is to capture the first moments of a newborns life...and how tricky it can be to stop and pick up a camera in those early days. Between feedings, diapers and siblings life becomes a delicate balancing act...and making time to take pictures sometimes just doesn't make the cut (I know, Iv'e been there). So, when I get the opportunity to shoot a baby, especially the really new ones, I have so much fun! They'll only be that small once and getting "the" shot for mom and dad is the best feeling in the world. Here are a few shots from recent baby shoots. Enjoy!

Baby Doner - 2 and a half months

Baby Martin - 2 months old
Baby Longland - 4 months old
Baby Gidge - 19 days old
Baby San Juan - 14 days old
Baby Zaroski - 11 days old


  1. hehehe...Baby Gidge! Love it!!! I've started a blog too. You've inspired me!
