Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My little man...

It's amazing how much changes in one year.

Only one short year ago I, along with my husband and daughter welcomed Owen Alexander Morrison to our family. Just 21 months after our daughter arrived we were lucky enough to add a baby boy to our family. It's funny how quickly Lara was no longer the baby and we were back at the parenting starting line! Diapers, nursing, sleepless nights and a toddler...it almost didn't seem possible that I would be able to handle it all, plus taking care of the house and continuing with my photography...but here we are one year later!Lara is a wonderful big sister and Owen isn't a baby anymore...and of course I have documented it all along the way.

Here are a few of my favourite pictures from the past year.

Our first family photo.
Owen - 3 months old (photo by Apryl Munro)
Owen - 6 months old
Owen - 9 months old and ready to celebrate Halloween
Owen's first Christmas - 10.5 months old

I'll miss the tiny fingers and toes, the wrinkles in the skin and that newborn baby smell...but I can't wait to watch Owen walk (consistently), have conversations and become "spirited" in his toddler years like his sister is.

Here's to the year ahead!

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