Friday, February 5, 2010

Captain Professional

So, this past weekend I was given a challenge. A friend (Kristin) from high school, who is working on her professional website, called me up and asked if I would do some headshots. Now, I had never done headshots before...but I was certainly up for the challenge. I did some research and scouted out locations around my house and was pretty confident that I could pull off this style of photo....but could I pull it off with Kristin as the star of the show??? Now, I love Kristin...she is awesome...but the reason she called me for some professional help is because there are almost NO shots of this girl looking "normal". Kristin is fun, crazy and hilarious in her personal life and that tends to lead to some less than professional looking images. Despite lots of giggles (from both of us) we pulled it together and got some great shots! Take a look at the images and you be the judge.

I'd hire that face....wouldn't you??


  1. I think you did great here Dana! Although I'm sure there are some hilarious out-takes as well.

    Well done!

  2. Oh Steve, you know Kristin well....there were plenty of out-takes! :-)
