Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Posable Baby!

Babies and report cards ruled most of my spring....hence that lack of blogginess.

Now that summer is here my time will be filled with more babies, families and moms-to-be...and a distinct LACK of report cards (yippie)! I'll also be filling my time with my own family. We have a road trip planned, we'll take in some local attractions and of course there will be plenty of swimming to be had too. So, here is a post to make up for not blogging much lately and the lack of blogging likely to occur over the summer!

I just had to share this session! Love this wee man (and I do mean wee....under 6 pounds when we met). He was so cute and slept like a dream. He was a perfect poser too...and Dad thought we'd never get the shot....but I persist! :-)

Enjoy these adorable pics...I can almost hear the "awes" from here!

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