Saturday, September 10, 2011

Baby Bump!

When Jen and I first stared emailing it was all about weddings! She was looking to get some details so she would be ready to start the official planning in the near future! Well, looks like the near future brought a fantastic surprise! A baby is on the way and instead of meeting to shoot a wedding it was a belly session!

Despite the fact that Jen has been taking it easy (doctors orders) she was excited to do a shoot around town.  I think she was just so happy to be out of the house that she would have done anything I asked! What a great time I had with this couple...we strolled around town early Sunday morning before everyone else was up and captured some great moments and fun shots. 

So Jen, this post is for you...while you are resting at home in bed or on the couch you have something new to do...even if this post will only keep you occupied for a little while I hope it is the bright spot in your day!


  1. These are so beautiful, great job Dana! Jenny you look too cute, such a pretty Momma!

  2. Dana these pictures are perfect! I am so happy that we had to honor of working with you to celebrate our beautiful little arrival! I really appreciate all your hard work and creativity to make this day happen. It was the special day!

    Thank you so much!

    Jen & Jamie

  3. nice work - a good photographer can make such a difference to a celebration. great choice.

  4. :-) It's easy with a beautiful subject!

