Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oh boy!

Love, love, love this little man! At three months old Korbin was all smiles and loads of fun. Photographing a little one at three months old is always a challenge (I find) because baby isn't yet sitting, may not be able to push himself up on his tummy and doesn't have a consistent schedule (which can mean doing a session when baby is tired). Korbin however, was not a challenge at all...he was amazing! He smiled, cooperated through outfit changes and generally seemed to enjoy the whole process! He even held off from his nap until the last few shots of the session.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Now you see it...now you don't!

While shooting Deidra's photos Mom mentioned that she was getting sick of seeing Elmo in all of the pictures she has of her daughter. Elmo is Deidra's very special toy...the one that makes her laugh...relax...do all the things that a photographer loves! However, that little red guy would start to get annoying if he popped up in every photo....so, through the magic of editing Mom has pictures of Deidra with Elmo and some that are Elmo free!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Four years ago today (yikes) my daughter Lara made her much anticipated appearance into the world. The day started off rather early and as dawn was approaching on a hot and humid spring morning my hubby and I left for the hospital. We listened to music, laughed and talked. We were so excited to meet this little person. I was one day past my due date but still wasn't convinced that this was "it"...but to appease my hubby we continued to the hospital. As we drove something happened that took us both by surprise...we saw a star shooting across the sky. It was right in front of us...and almost seemed meant for us (who else would be up so crazy early?). It was at that moment I knew I was ready to meet this kid....it was going to be a good day!

So, on Mother's Day today I celebrate my daughter's 4th birthday,  my sweet little boy and being a mom! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and moms-to-be!