Saturday, August 21, 2010

Behind the Scenes

Some of my favourite moments while shooting babies are the moments just before or after capturing the set up and posed shot. These are the moments when mom or dad step in and calm a crying baby or try and make a little one giggle. There are a lot more of those moments when shooting twins - twice as many tears and twice as many giggles. When the these darling twin girls came to me they were no exception, they were so much fun and you could tell mom and dad would do anything to make them are a couple of the behind the scenes moments....

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Is there anything more gorgeous than a bride on her wedding day? Natalie was stunning, but not only that she was calm, relaxed and just so happy and I think that shows in the pictures. Brad also looked great. He didn't seem quite as relaxed as Natalie, that is until he saw her walk down the aisle. It was at that moment Brad became completely calm. The way he looked at Natalie told me that he was head over heels in love with his beautiful bride! Here are a few portrait shots...enjoy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Boy or Girl?

I always love shooting belly photos...especially when the mom-to-be has no idea whether the baby is a boy or a girl. The anticipation of meeting the new arrival is all consuming, but not knowing the gender of the baby always makes the anticipation even more palpable. Kayla is only a few weeks away from her due date. The baby's room is ready, everything is prepared...the last thing on the list was belly photos. Here are a few of my favourite shots..I just love the shape of a baby belly!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's in the details

Having been a bride I know all about the planning that goes into a wedding. There are so many little things that make up this huge and important day. I love to capture all the special little details that a bride has worked so hard to plan. I want to capture the story of the day...right down to the smallest details.

Here are a few special details from Brad and Natalie's beautiful summer wedding. Look for future blog posts with portrait, ceremony and reception highlights!