Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oh. So. Cute.

The more I photograph newborns the more I love it! This beautiful little girl made my job terribly easy. After hauling in all my equipment and props on a snowy morning I was ready to begin shooting....lucky for me so was Raina. She went staright to sleep as I posed her for over an hour without a peep. Not only was she a fantastic sleeper, but her big sister was a sweetheart that helped me out and watched the entire session. What a great morning I had with the family, it was so relaxed and baby Raina certainly picked up on it. She was peaceful all morning and a dream to photograph, so good in fact, that I even had time to get in some shots with her sister and the whole family! Take a peek at this sweet family!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


I have to admit, sometimes I get frustrated working two jobs. Being a teacher can be a 24/7 job, so adding children and a second job to the mix sometimes makes me a little, crazy! I stress out about about all the school things I could be doing (like report cards) while taking photos and think about editing photos while I am at school.

What I loved about this session was that when Samantha came with her mama for her one year cake smash session I found out her mom was a teacher too. It was so nice to have someone understand the demands on my full time job while trying to squeeze in time for my photography jobs. I had been feeling rather crummy the morning of this session because I have been dealing with a high number of last minute cancellations (which can turn my whole life upside down after I plan out the days in a given month I choose to shoot), but Michelle made it all feel a bit better. She made sure to let me know that she was in no rush for her photos to be completed (some people seem to think it takes me no time to edit photos) and that she was just grateful for the experience. She even went so far as to tell me not to bother with her photos until I had finished all my report cards. I think Michelle might just be my new best friend (LOL).

So, thank you Michelle for MY experience! You were a wonderful client to deal with!

Now for the fun stuff...birthday slideshow of sweet Samantha!

Untitled from Dana Morrison on Vimeo.